My sweet and dear friend Denise introduced me to the "Simple Woman's Daily Book", and I thought to myself, what a lovely idea. It's often the simple things that mean so much, and so I have begun my "Simple Woman's Daily Book" as a way of sharing my simple things with you, whilst learning more about you with yours.For Today... I want to be more aware of 'living in the moment'. So often I find myself looking forward to things in the days ahead, and whilst that is great, I want to also take the time to enjoy what's happening in the 'here and now'.
Outside my window... it's a beautiful sunny day....more summery than autumn, although there is a very slight crispness in the air this morning.
I am thinking... that I need to get some breakfast and get dressed.
From the learning rooms... it's been back to reading my Bible a lot this week. I'm also doing a lot of soul searching and trying to find out what the Lord is showing me as far as where I need to change and grow to be a better wife and mother. There is always room for improvement.
I am hearing..... one of our cats Jessica howling in the kitchen, because the thinks I'm not home. She usually does that to see who comes running! Oh yes, she is 'princess of her domain", that is for sure.
I am thankful for... paper towels......I ran out yesterday and kept needing them for I have paper towels again. Silly and simple I know.
From the kitchen... I'm planning the meals for the weekend. After Easter's chocolate explosion last weekend, I've been making good healthy meals all week, but I'd like to enjoy the weekend without giving in and baking a pie or cake when we don't need it! There are other ways to show love to my family without food (as much as I love cooking for them).
I am wearing... a pink nightie...see, I told you I need to get breakfast and get dressed!
I am reading... apart from my Bible, I'm in between books at the moment. I love to read books that teach me things, rather than novels, so I'm on the prowl for something to get my teeth into. Coupons came in the mail yesterday for $20 off if you spend $20 at our Christian book store, so I need to get on-line and see what I can find.
I am hoping... to talk to my sister this afternoon. We usually have long chats on Friday afternoons.
I am creating... graphics for my website
I am praying... that my eldest daughter will be willing to lovingly include us in her life. She lives in the USA with her hubby and son and she's expecting another baby in October, and her husband's family are her world. How we miss her & our darling little grandson.
Around the house... I need to clean the bathrooms. My darling hubby left the kitchen clean and tidy as always before he went to work. I'm thankful he doesn't need to be asked to do things, he just gets in and does them.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you... it's Jessica our "princess cat"...who owns this place, we just live here with her.